Before you apply for an instant approval credit card, it may be worth taking some steps to help improve your chance of approval:
Go through your credit history
If you have a bad credit score, your credit card application may have a lower chance of approval. Consider contacting a credit bureau for a copy of your credit history, and going through it with a fine-toothed comb. Check if there are any mistakes on your credit report, such as a family member’s debt being attached to your name, and contact the parties involved to get these corrected.
Pay your debts
If you owe money on a car, have an outstanding personal loan, or are already paying off another credit card, it may be harder to get a credit card application approved. Even if you can’t afford to immediately pay off a debt in full, showing that you’re keeping up with the repayments can help. Credit card providers may look at your repayment history, so paying off more than the minimum amount may help improve your credit rating, and improve your chance of approval.
Receive regular income
If you don’t earn enough annual income to meet the minimum repayments on a credit card, the lender won’t approve your application. Getting a full-time job or similar source of regular income may help improve your chances. There are also low income credit cards that you may want to consider.
Start saving
Do your bank statements show that you can set a budget, save a regular amount each month and grow those savings? Having self-control in your personal finances may improve your chances of approval for credit cards and other financial products.