A debt consolidation personal loan can be a helpful tool for some, but there are other options that may be worth exploring. Some of these include:
A balance transfer credit card
Transferring your balance from your existing credit card to a new balance transfer credit card that charges you zero per cent interest on your transferred balance gives you an opportunity to clear your debt without interest charges building up. Keep in mind that the no-interest offer is usually only for a limited time before it reverts to an interest rate that’s often higher than average, so you could be charged a lot on any debt that’s left over.
Accessing your home equity
If you own a house, you could consider refinancing your home loan and borrowing more money to cover the cost of your other debts. Alternatively, you could consider borrowing a lump sum with a home equity loan secured by your property, and use this to consolidate your debts. Home loan interest rates are generally lower than most credit cards and personal loans on the market, so you could save money in interest.
However, home loans typically have longer terms than personal loans, which means that you may end up repaying short-term loans over a more extended period. As a result, you may eventually end up paying more in interest charges over time, despite a lower interest rate. Additionally, if you’re unable to manage your debt, there’s a greater risk of losing your home.
You may be aware that you can refinance a home loan, but did you know you can also refinance a car loan or a personal loan? If you're unhappy with your current loan’s interest rates, fees, or features, you could consider refinancing to a lower rate to save money. Just be sure to check the lending criteria before you begin the application process to ensure you are eligible for the loan you are interested in, and factor in any early exit fees and the like when doing your calculations.
Talk to your credit provider
Consider reaching out to your credit provider to see if you can negotiate a longer loan term, or a different payment schedule, to potentially make your repayments more manageable.
Ask for help
Remember that you can access free financial counselling and advice if you are experiencing financial stress. The National Debt Helpline can help you get your finances back on track, and the National Association of Community Legal Centres are not-for-profit, community-based organisations providing free legal help to those who need it most.