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What is home insurance?

Home insurance is an insurance policy that covers one of your most important assets – your home. If disaster strikes and your property suffers accidental damage, malicious damage, or is even destroyed, you may be financially covered, allowing you to more easily make a fresh start.

The two most common types of home insurance cover are total replacement cover and sum-insured cover. 

Total replacement cover refers to the actual cost of replacing your house entirely, whether by rebuilding, renovating, or repairing after heavy damage. This kind of home insurance policy will likely cost more, and possibly require extended negotiations with the insurer. 

A sum-insured policy covers a predetermined maximum cost to be paid by your insurer – the insured sum - in the event your house gets damaged. Setting the insured sum can be tricky; if it’s too high, you may pay more than is necessary for your insurance premiums, and if it’s too low, the payout may fall short of the actual cost of repairing or rebuilding your home, leaving you underinsured and having to pay for repairs out of your pocket.

Most insurers will give you a choice of whether to pay for your home insurance monthly, quarterly or yearly. Making smaller, more regular payments may be less stressful on your wallet than making one lump sum payment. However, the annual total cost of your insurance may turn out cheaper by making a single payment rather than a larger number of smaller payments.

What does home insurance cover?

What your home insurance policy covers and what it excludes can vary based on your provider, as well as the policy purchased. A home insurance policy typically covers your entire property, including permanent structures such as fences, in-ground swimming pools, garages, tool sheds, and walk-in wardrobes.

While each policy may be different and depend upon your type of cover and level of cover, some of the common events that may be covered under home insurance may include:

  • Accidental damage
  • Breakage of glass and ceramics
  • Earthquakes
  • Escape of liquid e.g. burst pipes
  • Explosions
  • Fallen trees
  • Fires
  • Floods (varies depending on property location)
  • Lightning strikes
  • Malicious damage
  • Rainwater
  • Storms
  • Vandalism

How does home insurance differ from home and contents insurance?

Home insurance only protects the structure of your home, not the personal belongings that your home contains. To protect both of these, you’ll need home and contents insurance. This may be a single combined policy that covers both your home and its contents (combined home and contents insurance), or separate policies covering each.

Home and contents insurance is a type of insurance policy that encompasses two key components: the physical structure of the dwelling (home) and the personal possessions (contents) within it.

In the event of an adverse event, such as fire, theft, vandalism and more, this insurance policy may offer financial support by covering repair or rebuilding costs for the property itself, as well as the replacement or repair of personal belongings. This may include furniture, white goods, electrical appliances, computers, jewellery, and artworks.

Oftentimes, home and contents insurance covers water and fire damage caused by accidents inside the home, as well as theft and vandalism. You can also purchase additional insurance coverage, called "personal effects cover" for portable contents that you may carry outside the home, such as laptops. Insurers may also offer optional coverage for any high-value items you may own. 

Also, if you own, or are considering purchasing an apartment, it is mandatory to have strata insurance. This is paid to the body corporate of a building and may cover common area contents, building fixtures and shared property. 

It’s worthwhile reviewing your property insurance policy regularly to make sure your house is adequately covered - particularly if you have renovated or extended your home.

Do I need home insurance for a home loan?

If you’re applying for a home loan, it is typically a requirement that you take out home insurance on the property. Home insurance is often a requirement for full loan approval, and you may be advised by the bank or your broker to purchase home insurance for the property ahead of settlement. Also, if you are considering refinancing and you currently do not have home insurance, you may need to purchase a policy to gain approval from a new lender that requires it. 

If you’re purchasing a unit, townhouse, or similar property, the strata corporation that manages the complex may already have insurance in place covering damage to the structure, partially paid for by your strata fees. This may be enough to satisfy your bank or mortgage lender, so you may not need to take out a separate home insurance policy to get a home loan on a strata property.

If you are building your home, keep in mind that your builder is also required to take out a home warranty insurance policy for significant contruction projects. It’s known by different names in different states and territories, and its exact requirements may also vary. While it’s your builder who will take out and pay for home warranty insurance cover, the cost may be passed on to you in some instances.

Of course, you may still choose to take out a contents insurance policy to protect the possessions in your strata property, as this likely won’t be covered by your strata’s insurance over the complex.

Do renters or landlords need home and contents insurance?

Neither renters not landlords are owner occupiers, so they may require non-traditional home and contents insurance policies. This is where renters insurance and landlord insurance options come in handy, as they may be able to cover the risks specific to these customers. 

Home renters insurance is a type of contents-only insurance for tenants to consider, as it is designed to protect belongings from theft or vandalism even if the tenant does not own their home. It does not cover the home itself, as this is the responsibility of the landlord to insure. 

Landlords may be able to benefit from landlord insurance, which is similar to home-only insurance for their rental property but also covers risks that specifically relate to property investment, such as defaulting tenants, and may also provide some legal liability. 

Do you need home and contents insurance?

Home and contents insurance isn’t compulsory, but it can be a requirement for many mortgage lenders before they may approve your home loan. Having home insurance may also be a minimum requirement to refinance your home loan with a new lender. 

Home insurance is understandably also valuable if the worst were to occur. For example, if you were to lose your house in a fire, home insurance may cover the some or all of the cost of rebuilding, as well as other expenses such as temporary accommodation for you and your family. But unless you also had contents insurance, you’d have to pay for replacing your treasured possessions yourself.

Home and contents insurance may also help cover a wider range of options than home insurance alone. For example, if your home experienced a break-in, your home insurance may only cover the cost of broken windows or busted locks, while the contents insurance may allow you to replace your stolen possessions, new for old, without ending up out of pocket.

Home insurance questions you might have

Does a fireplace increase home insurance?

A home with a fireplace shouldn’t cost significantly more to insure than a home with no fireplace. However, there may be exceptions in your home insurance policy for damage caused by a fireplace, such as cosmetic damage like scorch marks or discolouration from smoke.

Are natural disasters covered by home insurance?

Many home insurance policies cover damage caused by natural disasters, such as earthquakes or cyclones. However, if your home is in an area with a higher risk of natural disasters, like bushfires or floods, it may cost more to insure.

Does home insurance cover plumbing problems?

Depending on your home insurance policy, you may be covered against some plumbing problems, but not all of them. Sudden and unexpected plumbing problems are more likely to be covered than plumbing problems that occur slowly over time.

This is because most insurers consider gradual plumbing problems to be preventable with routine maintenance, which is the homeowner’s responsibility.

A common rule of thumb is that while your home insurance may cover damage to your home caused by a burst pipe, it may not always cover the cost of repairing said pipe.

Does home insurance cover electrical issues?

Much like plumbing problems, some electrical problems may be covered by your insurance policy, though likely not all electrical problems. Generally, damage caused by sudden electrical problems (e.g. lighting strikes, power surges etc) may be covered, but electrical problems that could have been prevented with routine maintenance (e.g. fire damage caused by old, frayed wiring) may not be covered.

Does home insurance cover rising damp?

Most home insurance policies are unlikely to cover damage caused by rising damp. This is because rising damp occurs gradually over time, and the homeowner is expected to deal with it as part of routine maintenance.

Does home insurance cover termite damage?

Home insurance does not typically cover termite damage. Insect infestations such as termites are considered a preventable problem by most insurers, which homeowners are expected to manage as part of their home’s routine maintenance. The same is true for damage caused by other insects, vermin, or rodents.

Consider ordering a pest inspection before purchasing a property, and at regular intervals afterwards, to help ensure your property is in good repair and free from the risk of termites and other pests.

Does home insurance cover break-ins?

Home insurance may partially cover you against break ins, though contents insurance may also be required to enjoy full coverage.

For example, if a burglar broke into your home through a window, your home insurance may cover the cost of repairing/replacing the broken window. However, replacing or replacing your stolen items would likely fall under contents insurance.  

If you suffer a theft after leaving your home unlocked, or if you haven’t called the police about your stolen items, you may not be able to claim on insurance, as it’s expected that you take reasonable care to protect your possessions.  

How much does home insurance cost?

The cost of home insurance varies based on a wide variety of factors, including:

  • The location of your home
  • The age of your home
  • The type of property
  • The size of your home
  • The features of your property
  • Whether you’re paying annual or quarterly premiums
  • Whether you’re an owner occupier or a property investor
  • What extras or add-ons you want included in your home insurance policy
  • Your claims history
  • Your level of home security

The cost of home insurance can vary significantly depending on all of these factors. However, homes in high-risk areas, such as those prone to natural disasters like floods or bushfire, may have substantially higher premiums. Additionally, factors like your excess can influence the cost of your policy. To get an accurate estimate, it's worthwhile comparing quotes from multiple insurance providers. 

Compare home insurance providers

Do home insurance claims follow you?

Even if you switch from one home insurer to another, that doesn’t always mean you get to start again with a completely clean slate and a no-claims discount.

Most insurance providers report information on insurance policies and claims to Insurance Reference Services (IRS), which is a national data registry for the insurance industry. If you fail to inform your new insurer of past claims with your old insurer, and your new insurer finds out about them, you could risk voiding your policy or seeing your new claims denied.

How to compare home insurance

When comparing home and contents insurance policies, consider answering the following questions, as this can guide you in choosing the policy you need: 

  1. What will it cost you to rebuild or renovate your home, and replace all your valuables? What percentage of this cost are you comfortable paying on your own? Which of the insurance policies that you are comparing adequately covers the difference?
  2. Of the shortlisted policies, which ones are most specific in detailing the coverage limits for specific items? Which ones offer you protection against the most common risks in your neighbourhood?
  3. Does the policy cover conditions specific to you? For example, do these policies have any restrictions regarding the presence of pets in the house? 
  4. Does the policy covers emergency support, such as temporary relocation while your house is being renovated?
  5. What optional coverage is available? Even if the policy you choose seems to offer thoroughly adequate protection, you may miss out on some optional cover. Always read the insurance provider’s product disclosure statement (PDS) or confirm with the insurance company about any limits, conditions, or exclusions before making a decision to purchase a policy.

This article was reviewed by Personal Finance Editor Peter Terlato before it was published as part of RateCity's Fact Check process.

Frequently asked questions about home insurance

Does homeowner’s insurance cover electrical problems?

Every home has a range of electrical fittings,appliances and wiring running through the structure of the house. You can face many kinds of electrical problems but, unfortunately, your home insurance policy may not cover all of them. Damage accidentally caused by natural accidents may be covered, as might the repair of motors if you have opted for fusion damage cover. For example, if there’s a lightning storm and your home suffers a power surge which causes a short circuit, any repairs needed may be covered if your homeowner’s insurance contains lightning damage.

However, if any electrical appliances stop working, even a home and contents insurance policy may not cover the cost of repairing the appliance. Also, you should check with your insurer about making any electrical repairs inside your home as that may affect your coverage. 

Usually, in Australia, you need to hire a professional electrician to carry out any inspections or repairs to the electrical system in your home. This can include conducting periodic checks to make sure the electrical wirings are not exposed to seepage, flooding, or attacks by rodents. Consider asking your insurance provider about optional coverage for fixed electrical appliances such as air-conditioners and washing machines.  

Do I need home insurance?

While homeowners' insurance is not legally required, it’s an option for those who want financial protection for their property. Some mortgage lenders may even require borrowers to take out home insurance.

What does home insurance cover?

What home insurance specifically covers and the extent of the coverage depends on the insurance provider and the individual policy. However, home insurance typically covers the property and other permanent structures found on or in the property, such as fences, in-ground swimming pools, garages, and dishwashers, to name a few.

There are usually two types of homeowner's insurance you can choose from, with "total replacement cover" or "sum-insured cover". 

If you’re not sure which option to take, it may be worthwhile to speak to a professional valuer to understand how much it might cost to rebuild your home and replace what's inside.

Is my home insurance covered for weather damage?

It is important to understand what is covered and what isn't covered in your home insurance policy before purchasing it. One crucial point to consider at the time of evaluating home insurance policies is whether it includes home insurance weather damage cover, and what it actually means if it does.

Typically, the protection afforded by home insurance actually depends on how the home was damaged or affected by conditions. The whole idea behind home insurance is to protect you from loss or damage against an unexpected, sudden event, like a fire or storm. If your home was in the way of a storm and your roof was damaged, which also caused internal water destruction, you may be covered for the damage to the roof and the property. The same holds true for walls or a fence that got damaged in a storm or flood.

However, you may not be covered if the damage occurred because your property was not well maintained and your home suffered a leak. A poorly maintained fence is less likely to be covered by home insurance.

Does homeowners insurance cover structural damage?

The most common causes of structural damage to a property include foundation issues such as settling or ground shifting, hidden structural damage, such as caused by termites, or weather-related damage, like by a tornado or hurricane.

If you’re wondering if structural damage is covered by homeowners insurance, you’re probably not going to like the answer. Most insurance providers don’t include structural damage in home insurance policies because they build the polices to offer protection from loss due to sudden, accidental events, such as fire, burglary or weather-related damage. It can take months or even years for you to discover most foundational or structural damage to your property, and by that time, they become rather costly to repair.

Since it takes a long time to detect, most structural damage is considered a maintenance issue and therefore, your home insurance policy won’t cover it. However, all is not lost. Once you locate the damage and take the necessary steps to not only repair it but also prevent further harm, your insurance policy might cover any subsequent loss. For example, if the foundation has cracks, and it lets water into your home, the water damage could be covered by insurance, but the cracks themselves would not be.

Does home insurance cover accidental damage?

Home insurance offers cover for any damage to your house and most policies cover the main building, garage, permanent attachments, and other external buildings that can be locked. 

Every insurance policy lists the defined events that will be covered, such as fires, floods, lightning strikes, theft, or falling trees. A few may also offer the option of accidental damage home insurance cover for other possible mishaps and unintentional damage around the home, such as when the dog knocks over the TV, or when red wine is spilled on the carpet.

The home insurance accidental damage cover is available only for the address provided at the time of buying the policy. 

Does home insurance cover asbestos removal?

If you’ve inherited or purchased an old home, the house may have been built using asbestos. While it may not cause harm in sealed walls or ceilings, exposure to loose asbestos dust can cause serious health issues. Although the Australian government completely banned using asbestos-based building materials in 2003, houses built earlier may also have asbestos in the cladding or the ceiling for insulating and fireproofing.

Many home insurance policies do not cover asbestos removal. However, in some circumstances, insurers may still pay for its removal. For example, hail storms or falling trees can damage the roof or the walls of your home, causing the asbestos to become more likely to release fibres. If your home insurance covers hail storms or tree damage, your insurer may pay for asbestos removal. Having said that, a better option is to check with an insurance company to see if they cover asbestos removal before purchasing their home insurance policy.

In general, when living in an old home, you need to take precautions to make sure you don’t accidentally cause asbestos materials to crumble. You should also plan for regular maintenance to prevent wear and tear to any areas containing asbestos.

Can you transfer home insurance?

When you sell your home, you cannot transfer the home insurance policy to the new owner. The buyers need to purchase a new home insurance policy where the insurer will calculate the premium based on several factors.

The risk of any damage to the home is transferred to the new owners when you sell the property. You can speak to an experienced conveyancer or solicitor to find out more about when the risk gets passed to the buyers in your state or territory.

If you move to a new home

Can you transfer home insurance to a new property if you move to a new home?

Some insurers may allow you to transfer your policy to a new property as long as you meet certain conditions. These include informing the insurance company as soon as you enter into a contract to buy the new home. You may need to pay an additional premium when transferring your existing home insurance policy to the new property.

How much is home insurance?

How much your home insurance could cost and the amount of premiums you pay will depend on many factors, including the amount you need to cover, the excess you're willing to pay, and what type of cover you want to take. 

It's important not to base your insurance policy decision solely on the premiums being charged, reviewing what the policy covers, its features, claim exclusions, and caps when deciding which home insurance policy is the right one for you.

How do you compare home insurance rates?

When you compare the home insurance quotes offered by various Australian insurers, consider looking at the type of coverage they offer as well as coverage limits and exclusions. You can choose an insurance policy which covers either the total replacement cost, which is the actual cost of rebuilding your home from scratch, or a fixed insured sum, which is an estimate of the cost to rebuild. The home insurance policy is likely to cost you more if you go for the total replacement cost coverage.

Your insurance policy’s exclusions and coverage limits usually depend on how exposed your home is to adverse events like floods and bushfires. It also tells you the maximum compensation that your insurer is likely to pay for damage caused to your home. If you live in an area with a greater incidence of crime or disasters, your insurance policy will likely cost you more.

The amount you actually pay for home insurance can be adjusted by agreeing to a higher excess, which is what you will pay over and above the insured amount from your own pocket. You should consider using the online calculators provided by various insurers to check how different coverage limits affect your insurance premium.

Do I need home insurance for a home loan?

While home insurance isn’t necessarily a requirement for a home purchase per se, it’s likely that if you’re purchasing a home with the help of a home loan, you’ll need to take out home insurance on the property. Home insurance can be one of the factors required in the pre-settlement documentation for a home purchase, and you may be advised by either the bank or a broker (or both) ahead of settlement.  

Do I need legal cover on home insurance?

Besides protecting your home and your possessions from damage and theft, many home insurance policies also cover unfortunate accidents that sometimes result in legal action. This is called home insurance legal cover.

What does it cover?

This type of insurance cover protects you and your family members from liability if someone gets injured on your property. You can also get coverage for scenarios such as you or a family member accidentally injuring someone else outside your home or accidentally damaging someone else’s property. 

Typical liability claims include slips and falls in your home and the ensuing medical expenses, or falling trees or branches that cause  damage to your neighbour’s home or parked car.

Dog bites are another claim often covered. If your dog bites someone and you’re found liable, you’ll be covered for the vet and medical bills. Similarly, if your dog damages someone else’s property, home insurance legal cover will often take care of your liability.

Every member of your family is usually automatically included in home insurance legal cover provided they live with you.

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