Peter Terlato

Personal Finance Editor

Peter Terlato is a content writer with more than a decade of journalism experience. His work has appeared in a number of global publications including finder, Business Insider, Lifehacker and ETB Travel News. He's written extensively about finance, politics, technology, travel and lifestyle. At RateCity Peter publishes news and guides across an array of topics, from credit cards and the cash rate to car loans and cryptocurrency.

198 articles written by Peter Terlato

Car Loans

How to check if a car has finance owing

You can obtain a legal report, providing essential information, indicating whether the vehicle is stolen, declared as a write-off, or has any outstanding finance owing, among other details.

Car Insurance

Can you get car insurance without a permanent address?

Individuals taking out a car insurance policy are required to provide an address indicating where the car will typically reside. This is because car insurance premiums are partially determined by the postal code where your car is typically parked overnight.

Home Insurance

Do home insurance claims follow you?

Your home insurance claims will affect the premium you pay for a new policy for a few years. If you have made no claims, you can get a no-claims discount.

Home Insurance

Does home insurance cover roof leaks?

Your home insurance policy may cover damage caused due to roof leaks under certain circumstances, but as always, beware the fine print. 

Home Loans

Australia leads the world in mortgage pain: Here's what you can do to ease the agony

Loan repayments as a share of income were at a staggering 15% for Australian households, higher than other advanced economies. Plus, this figure is estimated to have risen further in the last nine months.

Personal Loans

Multi-purpose lending: top personal loans for September 2023

If you're able to acquire a plot of land at a reasonable price, it has the potential to speed up your access to capital growth opportunities and offer flexibility for future development.

Savings Accounts

Supercharge your savings with rates above 5.50% in September

Savings rates are at some of the highest levels in more than a decade. RateCity lists nine different banks offering ongoing rates of 5.50% or higher.

Home Loans

Household savings battered as Australia's economy picks up, defying expectations

Quarterly GDP increases have been gradually losing steam since the middle of last year. However, this latest data reflects a mild upturn in Australia's economic position.

Term Deposits

Grow your wealth: top term deposits for September 2023

If you’re considering putting away some of your hard-earned savings, you may want to compare several term deposit accounts to discover those offering the most attractive rates and features that fit your savings goals.

Car Insurance

Are you paying an insurance loyalty tax?

ASIC commenced civil penalty proceedings in the Federal Court last week, claiming some insurers used an algorithm to determine whether or not a customer might renew their policy at different premium levels.