Why choose IMB Bank


  • No ongoing fees
  • No early exit penalty
  • Can apply online or in branch


  • Application fee charged
  • No redraw facility
  • Requires good credit history and monthly income

IMB Bank Personal Loans

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Secured Personal Loan
Real Time Rating™
1 to 7 years
Fixed Rate
No ongoing fees
Australian Credit Licence 237391
Interest Rate
Comparison Rate*
Monthly repayment
Total repayments








60 months

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Australian Credit Licence 237391
Unsecured Personal Loan
Real Time Rating™
1 to 7 years
Fixed Rate
No ongoing fees
Australian Credit Licence 237391
Interest Rate
Comparison Rate*
Monthly repayment
Total repayments








60 months

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Australian Credit Licence 237391

Personal Loans calculator

Use our personal loan calculator to see how much you’d have to repay under different borrowing scenarios.


Your estimated repayments

based on a $30,000 loan for 5 years at 6.59%

Total loan repayments


Total interest charged


Features of an IMB Bank personal loan

IMB Bank offers both secured and unsecured personal loans that can be used to pay for holidays, weddings, renovations, car purchases, debt consolidations, or other unexpected expenses. These loans have fixed interest rates, can run from 1 to 5 years, and be used to borrow between $2000 and $60,000.

IMB Bank personal loans allow borrowers to make unlimited extra repayments when possible, which can help to limit interest charges and even exit the loan early. While IMB Bank personal loans charge no ongoing fees, applicants will need to pay an application fee. 

IMB Bank personal loans customer service

Customers can get in touch with IMB Bank about personal loans by visiting a branch, or contact the bank’s team through phone, email or internet banking, including online chat on the website and a mobile banking app. Mobile lenders are also available to visit home loan customers.

Who is eligible for an IMB Bank personal loan?

To be eligible for an IMB Bank personal loan, you must be over 18 years of age, have a good credit history and a monthly income. Secured personal loans must be secured with either a new or used vehicle (up to 6 years of age)

  • An individual, not a company
  • An Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • You must be at least 18 years of age
  • Not currently bankrupt or insolvent

How to apply for an IMB Bank personal loan

  • Provide loan details (e.g. loan purpose, secured or unsecured, how much you want to borrow)
  • Provide financial details (employment history, income information, details of security etc.)
  • Calculate loan repayments to confirm you can afford the repayments
  • Provide personal information (contact details, identification etc.)
  • Provide any additional information required

IMB Bank personal loan review

As a mutual bank, IMB Bank is owned by its customers, which helps it to offer affordable financial products suited specifically for its customers.

IMB Bank’s personal loans can be utilised for a variety of purposes, from paying for a wedding or holiday, to buying a car, to consolidating existing debt. While these straightforward personal loans can prove useful to borrowers with regular income and good credit, borrowers with credit problems or less stable incomes may not be eligible.

Interest rates on IMB Bank personal loans range from moderately low for secured loans, to moderate for unsecured loans. While borrowers won’t have to pay ongoing fees, and may be able to make extra repayments to help limit their interest charges, IMB Bank does charge an application fee for its personal loans.